Saturday, March 14, 2020

buy custom Evidence Based Practice Nursing Research

buy custom Evidence Based Practice Nursing Research Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Research The nursing procedure that is discussed in this essay is the routine shaving of the surgical site. Nurses traditionally expect patients undergoing surgery to have hair removed from the surgical site with the aim of reducing infection at the surgical location. The shaving of hair at the surgical site has primary been done using the disposal safety razors. As much as the shaving of hair was believed to be more effective in the prevention of surgical site infections (SSI), many questions have been raised about its efficiency in terms of eliminating the risk factors on patients undergoing surgery. For instance, present research points to the view that the routine shaving of hair from the surgical site is in fact harmful, since it increases the threat of surgical site infections, and should be completely avoided in the contemporary nursing practice. Therefore, it is recommended that electric clippers must be used to remove the hair out of the surgical site immediately before the surgery. Moreover, it is important to instruct patients on effective hair removal strategies that will prevent them from doing so at home, and only hair that interferes with the surgery has to be removed.